Friday, July 17, 2009

The desert

You all know the story of the children of Isreal wandering in the desert for 40 years. (See Exodus).
They had been rescued from slavery in Egypt, delivered across the Red Sea on dry land, all their diseases were healed.

They had rejected the idea that God, their father, leader, creator, could defeat their enemies in the Promised Land, so they were destined to wander the desert until they died. Only two who came from Egypt as adults were ever to enter into the Promised Land.

We tend to think of the desert experience as one of misery, heat, deprivation and delay of God's promises.

Now, remember where the children of Isreal, the children of the Most High God were! They guided by a cloud by day (in the desert!) and by a pillar of fire by night. The cloud provided protection and coolness from the desert heat, hmmmmm. The fire provided heat and warmth at night.

They were fed with food they didn't plant, till, weed, milk, cook or transport. they simply had to gather it each morning. And it was GOOD!

They had clean water to drink. PERIOD. It didn't need chlorination or filtration or anything. It was provided to them IN THE DESERT! In plenty for each person and animal of the children of Isreal.

They moved when God said move and they went where he lead them. They never had to wonder, "What do we do now?"

God's prescence was always with them, right outside their tents, in the tabernacle that they were camped around.

They had the promise of a land flowing with milk and honey for their children! A place of plenty for their children! Don't we all want that for our children?

When I see it this way, the desert doesn't look like a bad place. They had EVERYTHING!

EVERYTHING!!!! Complete provision.

The Promised Land was truly a land of milk and honey. But it also had giants and idolatrous people and temptations. It was a place where they would work for their provision. Till and plant and weed and harvest. A plenteous harvest, but worked for nevertheless.

Perhaps the desert wasn's a bad place after all. Perhaps we all need a desert, a place to learn and grow. A place of total provision. Let us not take our desert for granted.

1 comment:

  1. This is a wonderful post. I often get frustrated when I see such excesses around me. I am very simple in my wants and needs in life. I am so grateful to have what we do. Have a wonderful day!
