Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Road trip? Yes! Road trip!!!!!!

On June 27, 2010, Sunday, Dana, Caleb, Jon and Ben set out on a new adventure. We were taking our first ever road trip!!!! How bizarre it was to decide to do this; I don't like long car rides, I don't really like to drive; I don't like staying at other people's homes and I don't like to be away from Mike for more than two or three nights at a time. And here we were setting off on a road trip with a weeks worth of driving, meeting new people, and seeing new parts of the country!

Set out we did!!!!! With lots of anticipation! We were ready. Car full of dvds and cds and books and maps and the GPS!

We left home at 8:34am and headed north on I65. We entered Kentucky at 10:13am - 98.3 miles from home. We hit Louisville, Ky at 1:18 pm. It's 229.1 miles from my house to Louisville.

We hit a traffic snarl just before we got to Cinncinnati. Sat in traffic for quite a while waiting for a wreck to be cleared from the interstate.The next big city was Cinncinnati, OH. 3:41 pm, 332.4 miles. The countryside was beautiful!!!!!! Gently rolling hills, green, peaceful!

Why was Cinncinnati traffic so bad on a Sunday? I almost hit a car as we were coming out on the north side of the city. So grateful for quick responses and that angel that must have been sitting on my hood!

Drove past Kings Island --- WOW!!! I was tempted to stop and go in; it looked like lots of fun!! But, I had 2 sleeping boys and miles left to go if I was going to make it to Columbus before night.
So, on toward Columbus!

We had dinner at Bob Evans just south of Columbus, OH. It was really good and we were ready for a nice long dinner and a rest out of the car. I was determined that I was NOT going to drive through another city that day! I figured I could go around Columbus on one of the by-passes. I was so tired!!! We had been on the road close to 11 hours that day! So, I took the GPS, found a couple of hotels on the east side of Columbus and called Mike to ask him to make me a reservation and tell me where to go! He did; he's so sweet!

We stayed the night in an America's Best Value Inn in Heath, OH. They wanted a copy of my drivers license for their files because there had been a murder at a hotel up the road just a few days earlier!!! I was too tired to argue or to go further. I LEFT my drivers' license there! They mailed it to me and Mike brought it to me in Lenoir City at the end of my trip!

Next morning, up and on to Marci's! Will post pics and more later!

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